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User cloph changed the following:

                  What    |Old value                 |New value
            Ever confirmed|                          |1
                    Status|UNCONFIRMED               |NEW
                  Keywords|                          |oooqa
                   Summary|some words in local       |language for keynames in
                          |language                  |menus & dialogs not taken
                          |                          |from OOo language-settings

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Apr 19 12:52:05 -0700 
2005 -------
confirming, but not related to AutoCorrect.
original summary: "some words in local language"

Problem: OOo doesn't use the UI-language (of OOo) to determine what language it
should use for the keynames for the keyboard-shortcuts in the menus and in other
dialogs (like the AutoCorrect-Dialog in the screenshot).

Instead, it uses the xkb-extension (the keyboard-layout) to determine the
language for the keynames

To reproduce:
0) close OOo
1) Set your xkb-keyboard layout to english
2) start OOo
   -> Keyboard-shortcuts are given using english keynames (like "Control+O")
3) close OOo
4) set your xkb-layout to german
5) start OOo
   -> keyboard-shortcuts are given using german keynames (like "Strg+O")

do the same with swedish keyboard-layout -> you'll get swedish names (or a
mixture of english & swedish due to unfinished translation., see the shortcut
for Edit|Paste special: "Control+Skift+V" or the mentioned keynames in the
If you want you can try with another languagepack -> no difference, language of
the keynames is always taken from the keyboard-settings, not from UI-language or

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