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------- Additional comments from Thu Jan  7 20:33:20 
+0000 2010 -------
I've done some additional research into the problem which may help to figure 
out the cause and a solution.  I created a DOCX file which contains a dozen or 
so embedded object types.  When opening that file under OOo 3.2 rc1, all of 
those embedded objects except for two are replaced by the electrical icon I 
mentioned before.  When I open that same file under OOo 3.0.1, I get an empty 
frame of the appropriate size where the image representations of those objects 
should go.  Under OOo 3.2 rc1, the ObjectReplacements directory is empty which 
is why the plug icon exists.  Based on what MRU said, it must be the default 
icon used for a corrupt or missing object.  Under OOo 3.0.1, there is a file in 
the ObjectReplacements directory for each of the objects, but the files are 
only 64 bytes each and seem to be nothing more than an empty placeholder which 
is why the empty frames are there.  I did notice that the DOCX file when 
unzipped has a "/word/media/" sub directory which contains a number of .emf 
and .png files which appear to be the image representation of the embedded 

In an attempt to devise a work-around to the problem I started checking for 
correlations between the files in the ODT archive and the files in the DOCX 
archive.  When you see "###", that simply means a number with one or more 
digits since all the object files in the DOCX and ODT have numbers after them. 
By comparing the Obj### files in the ODT archive against the oleObject### files 
in the "/word/embeddings/" sub directory of the DOCX archive I was able to 
figure out which files were equivalent.  From there I could look at the DOCX 
xml files and associate an image in the "/word/media/" sub directory to an 
object in the ODT archive.  The content.xml file in the ODT already includes 
the ObjectReplacements filenames in the XML structure for the images, but the 
valid images themselves don't exist in the ObjectReplacements directory.  So to 
fix the problem, all I had to do was copy the relevant .emf and .png files 
from "/word/media/" in the DOCX archive into the "ObjectReplacements" directory 
of the ODT archive and rename those image files so that they matched up 
properly.  I then had to add those files to manifest.xml.  From there I zipped 
up the ODT directory and loaded the file into OOo.

When I took the ODT file created using OOo 3.0.1 and modified it as described 
above, the ODT file looked almost identical to how the DOCX file looked under 
Office 2007 with the image representations of the OLE objects intact.  However, 
when I took the ODT file created using OOo 3.2 rc1 and modified it as described 
above, the image representations in the ODT were smaller than they should have 
been.  After doing more research I determined it was because the OOo 3.0.1 ODT 
file kept the correct dimensions and location of the image representations even 
though the relevant files didn't exist.  Whereas the OOo3.2 rc1 ODT file 
completely replaced the image representations with the plug icon and therefore 
the size and locations were resent to the dimensions of the icon.  Thus when I 
put the correct image back into the directory structure, it was still using the 
icon's dimensions which were smaller than the original images.

I'm putting together the various test files I've created and mentioned in this 
comment and will upload them for other to look through later today.  OOo 3.0.1 
offers a better work-around for me since the image representation dimensions 
and locations can be recovered using the file swapping, but unfortunately there 
are other features in OOo 3.2 which I need that don't exist in OOo 3.0.1, so 
simply using the older version isn't an option.

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