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------- Additional comments from Wed Jan 27 20:51:28 
+0000 2010 -------
Here are a few steps to reproduce the situation I described originally to
hopefully clarify things.

Create table called Status:
  Status, Text, length 50, PK
Create a table called Task:
  TaskID, INT, Auto, PK
  Status, Text, length 10, FK
Populate the Status table with the following:
  In Progress
Create relationship between Status.Status and Tasks.Status
(This is where an alert should pop up warning the user that they are creating a
bad relationship.  Base currently allows the user to create the relationship.)

Create a Form for the Task table and add a single Combo Box element to pull data
from Status.Status and put it in Task.Status.
Leave design mode in the Form and you are now able to add records into the
database with Cancelled, Completed, or Schedule statuses, but once you try to
create a record with In Progress, the following error is generated:

SQL Status: 22001
Error code: -124

Value too long in statement [INSERT INTO "Task" ( "Status") VALUES ( ?)]

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