User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa
project.  Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with:

 85226       SUBTOTAL result not updated when undoing autofilter
 93998       DataPilot uses too much memory for caching
 94468       shared spreadsheet no longer in shared mode with link
 94555       ODFF: introduce GAMMA, CHISQDIST, CHISQINV. Adapt GAMMADIST 
 97735       when saving to or loading from ODF, always use CONV_OOO address 
 94619       can't query for ScDataPilotTableObj for XDataPilotTable
 89976       Calc Performance of computations
 92797       Mechanism for MOOXML import to support indices of external 
documents in address references.
 92379       Non-ASCII cell reference fails to resolve when formula grammar is 
Excel A1
 100895      [Collaboration]Bad handling of row deletion in shared spreadsheet
 94696       Chart wizard fails to get data range when Excel A1 or Excel R1C1 
formula syntax is used
 97876       Spreadsheet data changes are not notified
 9709        OLE/DDE link from Calc to Writer trashes non-ASCII characters 
(special characters, umlauts)
 96343       print selection broken
 93918       DataPilot: Drill-down data does not evaluate hidden items
 86094       Date is automatically decremented on input
 98872       Charts with empty datarange could not be saved
 97468       improve accuracy of ATANH, FISHER and FISHERINV
 90402       DataPilot: double-clicking on a result cell inserts an empty sheet 
in read-only mode.
 81383       Internal changes of ASC and JIS function
 93762       IF in array context for the condition should treat empty cell 
element as 0 and string as error.
 96326       Calc fails to import fields in pivot cache
 92378       DataPilot: Cancelling the "cells not empty..." error message 
should not dismiss the layout dialog
 97547       Add SKK/EUR conversion to EUROCONVERT function
 97900       Sheet tabbar wrong in RTL GUI
 98801       Chart looses datarange after loading
 92552       Goal seek does not have enough precision for some case
 96591       DataPilot : filters on Page  field ignored


 Status                     CLOSED


This issue is closed automatically. It should be fixed in a version with is
available for longer than half a year (OOo 3.1). If you think this issue isn't
fixed in the current version (OOo 3.2) please reopen it. But then please pay
attention about the field 'target milestone'.
The closure was approved by the Release Status Meeting at 22nd of February 2010
and it is based on the issue handling guideline for fixed/verified issues  :

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