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                 Issue #|110032
                 Summary|Term Paper
               Component|Word processor
              OS/Version|Windows XP
       Status whiteboard|
              Issue type|DEFECT
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             Reported by|sherrienl

------- Additional comments from Wed Mar 10 18:02:15 
+0000 2010 -------
Gray Rape

        Laura Sessions Stepp, Author of the article, “New Kind of Rape”, visits 
accounts of 3 women, Laura, Alicia, and Shari, who are all victims of sexual
assault.  These 3 women were all under the influence of alcohol, but claim that
they were not so intoxicated that they felt the appropriate consent was given
for sexual behaviors to take place.  According to the U.S Department of Justice,
1 in 5 college women will be raped in their college career, 9 out of 10 women
know their attacker and will admit that the were raped (Fisher, et al, 2000, pg.
17).  Alicia states that she was unsure about her experience.  She felt like she
wasn’t aggressive enough in demanding that she wanted no sexual act and
hesitates to call what happened to her rape.  Shari claims that in her case of
sexual assault, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  She did all she
could to say NO and struggled to get away and did, but considers the question,
“what could I have done to avoid a sexual assault?”  While Shari attempted to
fight off her attacker, Laura went into a sort of trance and froze in place. 
After Laura was assaulted she second guessed her actions.  She wondered why she
didn’t scream.  Why didn’t she fight?  All 3 women fall into what many experts
call “gray rape” (Stepp, L, S. n.d).  Gray rape is a point between consent and
denial where the victim is unsure weather they initiated sexual advances or not
(Stepp, L, S. n.d.).  Victims of rape often feel that if they had done something
differently from their clothes to their actions prior to the assault, then the
assault would not have taken place (Stepp, L, S. n.d). 



Fisher, Bonnie, Cullen, Francis, Turner, Michael. (Dec, 2000). U.S. Department
of      Justice Office of Justice . In Office of Justice Programs National
Institute of    Justice. Retrieved March 8, 2010, from 

Loiselle, M., & Fuqua, W. (2007). Alcohol's Effects on Women's Risk Detection
in a    Date-Rape Vignette. Journal of American College Health, 55(5), 261-266. 
Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

Stepp,L,S.. (no date). In Sex & Love. Retrieved March 4,
2010,   from  6.

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