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------- Additional comments from Sun Mar 14 19:13:47 
+0000 2010 -------
The issue exists also on version OOO320m21 and can be reproduced under Linux
with oowriter too. So it's a framework issue (don't know how to change this).

It can be reproduced also easily starting from a clean document (most steps are
simply the same as ottologie wrote, doubled only for completeness here):

1) Open writer (or calc, or impress, or - I didn't test the others though)
2) Edit the clean document a little
3) Save it (e.g. test.od?)
4) Edit it a little more
5) Wait until next auto-save of recovery information
6) Brutally murder oooffice (TaskManager under Windows, killall soffice.bin
under Linux and the like)
7) Open ooffice with the document (Double click on test.od? in graphical file
manager as Windows Explorer, Mac Finder, KDE dolphin, GNOME Nautilus, ..., or
open via command line with "ooffice test.od?")
8) Do the recovery

You get two documents, (on Linux) the window titles say "Test.od?" and "Test.od?
<2>". This doesn't help to decide, which one is the version to continue work on.

I would follow ottologie, that at least it must be obvious to the user, which
window shows the "recovered" and which one shows the "last saved" version.

Even better would be to make it explicit, telling the user in a dialog, that he
may get two versions of the same document (i.e. modifying the same file!) and
gives him a choice how to deal with it. What about a dialog offering the
following choices:
* "Edit last saved version (skipping the recovery)"
* "Edit recovered version"
* "Edit recovered version and last saved version side by side" (or even do it in
the "Edit -> Compare documents..." mode?!?)

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