To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                 Issue #|114536
                 Summary|Word Count: show on status or/and toolbar
               Component|Word processor
                 Version|OOo 3.2.1
       Status whiteboard|
              Issue type|ENHANCEMENT
             Assigned to|writerneedsconfirm
             Reported by|higuita

------- Additional comments from Wed Sep 15 23:22:47 
+0000 2010 -------
I work every few month with several journalists and one thing they always
complain every time i manage for then to test openoffice is the openoffice word
count is too basic. Please remember that journalists have limits for
words/characters for their articles and this is a major feature for then.

by talking with then, i figure that a status bar or a special toolbar with the
word count stats. Maybe the status bar should have a selected text
character/word count (similar to the selected cells SUM in calc) and a new
toolbar with all the word count statistics, so people could customize the
toolbars with the stats they want... update it manually or every X
seconds/minutes or even if the user is idle 

this is a feature that must be included in the main openoffice (even if not
enable by default if you want), as most journalists are too lazy (and most of
the time, without enough knowledge) to search and install extensions when they
have MSoffice ready to be used.

this feature is more important than you might imagine, as journalist make
reviews, express opinions, generate a free and important publicity. Even if the
journalist is not a tech one, they show co-workers and friends their tools, so
it they are happy, other might try it. Managing to conqueror the heart of a
journalist is more valuable than most users, just suppressed by CEO and CTO 

This is a simple feature that might do the difference for this target group (and
a big bonus for all other that need word count)


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