
You have to change the flag in affix rules, too:

  SFX S 0 a/P  . ->

  SFX S 0 a/1  .


2010/9/30 Edmond Kachale <edmond.kach...@baobabhealth.org>

> Hi there,
> I have two files ny_MW.aff and ny_MW.dic. In ny_MW.dic, there are words
> that MUST have at least a suffix S but may also take a prefix P. In order to
> enforce suffixation on those words, I declare a virtual stemming flag
> NEEDAFFIX N that is appended to them. I have prefixes defined like this one
> "PFX P 0 achi  .", and  and suffixes define like this "SFX S 0 abe/P   .".
> Given the following words:
>   batiz
>   abatiz
>   batiza
>   achibatiza
> I expect the following result:
>   batiz          (WRONG)
>   abatiz        (WRONG)
>   batiza        (CORRECT)
>   achibatiza  (CORRECT)
> I prefer defining the affix class combinations using AF flag because of the
> number of affix classes to be used. However, AF flag doesn't seem to work
> fine for me. Does anyone know why the affix class combination works fine
> without using AF flag, and why it does not work when using AF flag? (c.f.
> case A and case B below). If so, how can I improve AF flagging (case B) to
> work fine?
> CASE A: Without AF flag
> ===================
> 1. ny_MW.aff
>   SET ISO8859-14
>   TRY aiuneorbkmgywthszdc'
>   # prefix section
>   PFX P Y 4
>   PFX P 0 a       .
>   PFX P 0 achi    .
>   PFX P 0 adza    .
>   PFX P 0 adzachi .
>   #suffix section
>   SFX S Y 5
>   SFX S 0 a/P     .
>   SFX S 0 abe/P   .
>   SFX S 0 eno/P   .
>   SFX S 0 ko      .
>   SFX S 0 po      .
> 2. ny_MW.dic
>   batiz/SN
>   mlimi
>   yang'an/SN
> CASE B: Using AF flag ( This one does not work)
> ====================================
> 1. ny_MW.aff
>   SET ISO8859-14
>   TRY aiuneorbkmgywthszdc'IjAvfUpRKMNlBGLPYHTCSDZEWVJO
>   # every word must have at least a suffix
>   AF 1
>   AF SN
>   # more compression aliases will be added later
>   # prefix section
>   PFX P Y 4
>   PFX P 0 a  .
>   PFX P 0 achi  .
>   PFX P 0 adza  .
>   PFX P 0 adzachi  .
>   #suffix section
>   SFX S Y 3
>   SFX S 0 a/P  .
>   SFX S 0 abe/P  .
>   SFX S 0 eno/P  .
> 2. ny_MW.dic
>   batiz/1
>   mlimi
>   yang'an/1
> I'm using these references:
>    - http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/dapper/man4/hunspell.4.html
>    - http://pwet.fr/man/linux/fichiers_speciaux/hunspell
> *Sorry for sending a longer email. May be I would use pastie/pastebin. [?].
> *
> ---
> Edmond
> Software Developer | Baobab Health Trust (http://www.baobabhealth.org/) |
> Malawi
> Cell:  +265 999 465 137 | +265 881 234 717
> *"Many people doubt open source software and probably don’t realize that
> there is an alternative… which is just as good.." -- Kevin Scannell*

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