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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jun 21 09:15:12 -0700 
2005 -------
Thanks for the excellent explanation, Carsten.

It sounds to me like the terms may not be clear  enough in both cases.

en-US: "Delete Contents"
de: "Inhalte l�schen"
"It's only defined and implemented in the Calc module. The function removes the
content of a cell, but doesn't touch the formatting." 
So maybe we should call it something Calc-specific like "Delete Cell Contents"

en-US: "Delete C~ontents..."
de: "Inhalte l~�schen..."
"It's defined for all modules (including Calc). The function is triggered if the
user presses the "Del" key on the keyboard. Writer removes the character right
to the cursor."
So why do we say "contents" at all, when it also appears in Writer where there
is no "container" like a cell to contain "contents"? 

Still researching this...

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