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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Jul  7 08:00:23 -0700 
2005 -------
I think the first priority is to figure out what the scores of other
places in the code that use this dangerous sort of UUID do with them, and if any
are being disclosed by OO 1.1.

Here are a few thoughts on how to fix this.

Besides the disclosure of the hardware address, the presence of multiple
timestamps also can disclose undesirable information.

In this example, two UUIDs are generated one after the other each of which has
an independent time stamp with 100 ns resolution.  Observers can derive guesses
as to the speed of the processor by comparing the times, which could also
compromise anonymity in some cases.

The  rtl_createUuid function is currently called with the "bUseEthernetAddress"
argument set to sal_True.  Setting it to false appears to substitute a 6-byte
random value for the ethernet address.

But given the timestamp issues, I'd recommend going
with what others have done and suggested, which is using a Version 4 UUID which
has nothing but type info and random bits.  It would only take a bit more code
and shouldn't add much time, since a pseudo-random-number generator is used, and
 secure random numbers don't seem to be important for this case.

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