To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|52352
                  Summary:|native/direct SQL queries using postgresql-sdbc 0.6.2
                          |cause OOo to segfault
                Component:|Database access
                  Version:|OOo 2.0 Beta
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|DEFECT
              Assigned to:|jbu
              Reported by:|johnix

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jul 22 12:24:31 -0700 
2005 -------
When running a query as "SQL [native]" or "direct SQL" from a Writer form using 
postgresql-sdbc 0.6.2, OOo dies.   
I've experienced this problem on GNU/Linux x86 with OOo beta2 m113 and m118,    
using postgresql-sdbc-driver v. 0.6.2, connecting to Postgres v.8.0.3 through 
the network. 
In SQL view, when I type the following query :    
SELECT nom FROM personnel;    
with the "run SQL command directly" button unchecked, I get a list of a dozen   
names. If I check that button and run it again, OOo dies (segfault) with the 
following message on STDOUT : 
/opt/openoffice.org1.9.118/program/soffice: line 245: 19245 Erreur de    
segmentation  "$sd_prog/$sd_binary" "$@"    
When I edit a form containing form object of type "list" (or a form table 
object containing a column of type "list") whose "type of list contents" is SQL 
and "list contents" is  "SELECT nom FROM type_personnel;" the form works as 
expected. If I set the type to "SQL [native]", OOo dies as soon as I switch out 
of "design mode". The same happened when I created a form containing only a 
list box. However, OOo did not crash when the query was empty.   
I tried each experiment at least 2-3 times with identical results. However,  
when I changed the list box to a combo box, OOo did not crash every time. 
When connecting to the same database from the same OOo setup using JDBC, I did 
not experience the crashes described here.

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