I went through all those bugs and fixed the ones I thought reasonable to fix. We now have a reasonable support for high-dpi displays on Windows and OSX, and fullscreen windows seem to work fine on all platforms (at least one the devices I could test on). Regular fullscreen still doesn't work great on OSX and is completely broken on Linux, but we can fix that later. For now, fullscreen window support should be sufficient.

Once https://github.com/liballeg/allegro5/pull/569 is committed, I'm content releasing it as is asap (i.e. by the end of next week). Any thoughts otherwise?


On 02/26/2016 11:15 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
Alright, so I gave this a bit more thought, and filled out the milestone
thingie on github: https://github.com/liballeg/allegro5/milestones/5.2

As always, it's just a way to keep things organized, we can add/remove
as necessary. There are two key goals I think:

First, I want to finish that unstable API idea. We need to make sure
whatever API we expose in 5.2 is something that we can commit to keeping

Second, is the perennial fullscreen problems, with the added headache of
high-DPI displays. Fullscreen is the typical usage of any game made by
Allegro, so I think it's crucial to get that working well. This is
mostly about OSX, but there's a bug there for Windows as well. I don't
know the full status on Linux, but at least making sure it works ok with
Unity, Cinnamon and KWin should be something we should check/fix as
necessary. Note that I think fullscreen windows should be the primary
focus, and mode switching should be a secondary and non-essential. The
end user doesn't really care what it is as long as the entire screen is
covered by the game's output, and to me it seems fullscreen windows are
just easier to deal with on our end.

There's also an odd bug I included about window resizing in OSX causing
a crash. I think that's also a pretty essential feature that we should

I recently finally decided to make a purchase of an OSX device, so I
should be all set to fix all those issues myself in time, but as always,
it'd be great to have some help :P. Also, if there are any other things
that others deem essential to fix before then, then we can see what we
can do about them as well.

Ideally, I'd like there to be no more releases of the 5.1 branch, so
it'd be great to do this within the next few months. I think it can be
done without going too crazy about it.


On 01/25/2016 06:58 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
The last message on this topic was this one:
http://sourceforge.net/p/alleg/mailman/message/34204065/ , and basically
everything there still applies (even the bugs I mentioned, they are hard
to fix). The main difference is that since then, the video addon is
gotten in a reasonable shape.

A combination of procrastination and spending a lot of time on packaging
prevented me from implementing the API versioning scheme mentioned
there. It's very high on my TODO list. Like do it in the next week or
two high. I want to if possible release 5.2 in the next 3 months
(there's a good release date in April ;) or earlier. I don't think
there's anything super-blocking.

Otherwise, we could just keep fixing bugs :). I think the biggest new
issue that has come up recently is this one:
https://github.com/liballeg/allegro5/issues/555 which is a bit
disconcerning as it means it's pretty tricky to get bundles working on
OSX. It'd be a great thing if we could get them working with the
homebrew binaries and perhaps an associated tutorial.

Also, fixing that TTF font bug is pretty high priority too (I'm working
on it this evening).


On 01/25/2016 03:48 AM, Trent Gamblin wrote:
Where's the real 5.2 roadmap? Repost please? I might be able to squeeze
some things in here and there...

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