- **QA**: Cory Johns


** [tickets:#5775] Allura Code Viewer: provide "copied from" link in history 

**Status:** code-review
**Labels:** 42cc 
**Created:** Thu Feb 07, 2013 09:12 PM UTC by DRC
**Last Updated:** Tue Oct 01, 2013 06:06 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

This is one of several tickets I am creating to log what I feel are 
shortcomings in the new (Allura) code viewer relative to the old (ViewVC) code 
viewer. In all of these cases, simply providing a way for users to continue 
using ViewVC would be an acceptable workaround.

In ViewVC, if a file or directory had been renamed, then the history view of 
said file/directory provided a link at the bottom that allowed one to easily 
browse the old history of the file/directory before it has been renamed.  
Example (see bottom of page):


This is a critical feature for being able to visualize the history of a 


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