Dear Alpine Elves,

IRG (International Rock Gardener) 72 of December 2015 completes our fifth year of offering this e-magazine
free to all each month on the SRGC site.
This special issue contains a full index to all issues and a 2016 Calendar for you to print off in gratitude for your support through the year.

The calendar photos are from two great SRGC members, Steve Garvie in Scotland and Jamus Stonor in Australia. Thanks to them for their help as well as to all our contributors throughout the year and to two essential members of the IRG Team; our indexer Glassford Sprunt and proof reader Richard Green.

Zdenek Zvolanek, Ian Young and I wish you all the happiest of holidays and all the very best in the coming year!

M. Young

IRG 72 link :

Page with all issues :

Cover picture of IRG 72 is Scabiosa stellata by Jamus Stonor

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