Thanks to Shirley for her kind words - others have also contacted us
 privately to express their

   appreciation of the International Rock Gardener.

*I am happy to say that the IRG will continue - it is simply that we have reached 5 years of issues - when we really
 only began with a one year experiment and are celebrating that.

*As long as there are generous contributors we hope the IRG will continue!!

* Kind regards,

* M. Y.

 [Alpine-l] IRG

*Shirley J Friberg* lovnpuff60 at <>
/Fri Dec 25 20:04:10 CET 2015/

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I would like to thank Maggie Young for all her time, effort and the diligence 
she put into 72 issues of IRG.  They were each
beautifully done with a wealth of information.  Also thanks to Zdenek Zvolanek 
and Ian Young and others who contributed. It will be missed.
Her two issues inspired our Minnesota members to visit the fabulous private 
gardens in the Czech Republic.
Shirley Friberg
Minnesota Chapter of NARGS
Member of SRGC & AGS

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