Thanks for a most interesting article and fantastic pictures, even the one that 
drew an expletive!  Whilst I have little knowledge of bees or wasps I try to 
encourage them both in my garden and allotment.  Although the wasps that built 
a nest in one of my allotment compost heaps did cause some problems with my 
later apples,  although they never stung anyone.  I assume that in southern 
England we have a similar diversity of bees to those across the water.
Thanks again for a full and interesting article.
Regards Ted Wilcox

      From: youngs <>
 To: Alpine-L <> 
 Sent: Thursday, 24 November 2016, 22:20
 Subject: [Alpine-l] IRG 83 November
 New International Rock Gardener e-magazine (IRG)  - free to download of course 
  this month  featuring Native Bees of Southwestern Oregon by Travis Owen 
  M. Young 
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