
I'm porting my application from ALSA-0.5 to ALSA-0.9 and I don't
understand ASCII identifier of the PCM handle which is
a parameter of the snd_pcm_open function.

I'd like to implement an user friendly sound card configuration
dialog. This is a screenshot of the previous one:

What is a difference between an ASCII identifier "plughw:0,0"
and "hw:0,0"? And what the output of 'aplay -L' means?
I just want to know a number of installed sound cards
and number of subdevices for every card and I'd like
to have a possibility to open the right card and a subdevice
according user's choice. I think that ALSA-0.5 interface was
much better in these things...

Thank you for each answer!

jozef kosoru

http://www.pobox.sk/ - prvy slovensky freemail

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