>Have you ever used/seen some good audio application in MacOS
>or M$ Win world? Each application from this category has
>a config dialog for these things. ...or do you think that
>musicians have to be programmers or administrators?

Windows doesn't have ALSA. they have a two-bit device driver system
that isn't capable of half the subtlety of ALSA. as a result, they
don't have issues like "there is a PCM device corresponding to the
first 4 channels of a 26 channel card that I'd like you to use".

just look at what aplay -L and figure out how to get the PCM device
names from the config info it reads, then present them to the user.

nobody writing ALSA apps has dealt with this to date because we assume
a certain level of skill in our users. if you want to make different
assumptions, you'll need to work on new solutions. ALSA is a
collaborative effort - not every part of the system is in place right

>> there will be other programmers who will write good, simple
>> configuration tools to create and edit ~/.asoundrc.
>Don't be ridiculous! When? ..and part of what such tool will be?
>Gnome? KDE? ...or you mean 'good' console tool? Do you ever know
>what is it 'GUI' application?

i have no idea. i didn't say anything about what it was. i merely know
that what you want is an obvious need, and to judge from linux to
date, people will write such things. i would, but i'm too busy working
on many other aspects of linux audio.


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