On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Kai Vehmanen wrote:
> > On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
> >
> > >> I'm still a bit puzzled why I didn't get xruns in the test case quoted
> > >> below, but until I can reproduce the problem, there's not much to discuss
> > > You posted this sw params on alsa-devel a few days ago:
> > [....]
> > > sw_params:
> > > stop_threshold: 4294967295
> > [...]
> > > As you can see, the stop_threshold is set to UMAX_INT. In case when
> > > stop_threshold is above ring buffer size, then it means for drivers: I
> > > don't care about xruns, don't report them. The stop threshold must be
> > > equal to ring buffer size to get xruns when no more frames are in ring
> > > buffer.
> >
> > Hmm, makes sense. This raises a few new questions:
> >
> > 1) Is 'avail > stop_threshold' the only condition when a stream
> >    can move from RUNNING to XRUN state? The only places I located
> >    in the current source tree, where this state change happens, were
> >    in alsa-kernel/core/pcm_lib.c, functions
> >    snd_pcm_update_hw_ptr_interrupt() and snd_pcm_update_hw_ptr().
> >
> > 2) If (1) is true, why does runnig jack produces xruns every
> >    now and then...? The stop_threshold is UMAX_INT for
> >    both directions and it should never occur that over
> >    buffer_size samples is writable to, or readable from
> >    the pcm device.
> >
> > And to save your time ;), here's one possible explanation to (2):
> >
> > Looking at jackd code, one possibility is that the we are only getting an
> > EPIPE from snd_pcm_avail_update(), but the stream is still in RUNNING
> > state. At least in alsa-lib/src/pcm/pcm_hw.c:snd_pcm_hw_avail_update()
> > we have a test for:
> >
> > --cut--
> > if (avail > pcm->buffer_size)
> >     return -EPIPE;
> > --cut--
> >
> > This would trigger jackd's xrun handling code, but leave state to RUNNING.
> > Am I on the right track here?
> Yes, this condition is faulty. It should be 'avail >= pcm->stop_threshold'.
> Fixed in CVS and thanks for verbose error detection.

My initial fix wasn't very good. Although the corrected condition fixes
the XRUN detection, XRUN must be also propagated to the kernel space
allowing driver code to update the PCM state to XRUN. I've added a new
XRUN ioctl to the PCM kernel API, so everything should behave as expected


Jaroslav Kysela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux Kernel Sound Maintainer
ALSA Project  http://www.alsa-project.org
SuSE Linux    http://www.suse.com

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