On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Takashi Iwai wrote:

> if you only need duplication, this can be done on alsa-lib without
> changing the driver itself.
> try to add the following in your ~/.asoundrc.
>       pcm.ch4dup {
>               type plug
>               slave.pcm surround40
>               ttable.0.0 1
>               ttable.1.1 1
>               ttable.0.2 1
>               ttable.1.3 1
>       }
> then run like this
>       % aplay -D ch4dup foo.wav

Well, even this doesn't seem to want to work for me at the moment :-(  I'm
still only getting audio from the front speakers.

[ adamk@sorrow ~ ]$ cat .asoundrc 
pcm.ch4dup {
        type plug
        slave.pcm surround40
        ttable.0.0 1
        ttable.1.1 1
        ttable.0.2 1
        ttable.1.3 1

[ adamk@sorrow ~ ]$ aplay -D ch4dup saved/sounds/Thunder.wav 
Playing WAVE 'saved/sounds/Thunder.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, 

Any further ideas?


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