On Thursday 18 April 2002 18:27, Fred Gleason wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:
> > NOOOO. could we please please please annihilate every last little
> > trace of alsa 0.5.x from that page ?
> I'd like to add my vote for this here too.  The whole 0.5.x vs. 0.9.x
> thing is *hugely* confusing -- to me, to programmers, and to end users.
> If 0.9.x is the stable API (it *is*, isn't it??), then let's all get
> behind it and PUSH.  In the same vein, let's get the docs for the
> ancient 0.2.0 stuff off the site too.  They just muddy the waters at
> this point.

Is it perhaps time for an alsa-0.9.rc1 many people will be frightened off 
by the beta designation, and certainly mislead into thinking that 0.5 is 
the "safer" option.

Just a thought anyway.


James Tappin,               O__      "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     --  \/`    Microsoft --- Something lingering
http://www.xena.uklinux.net/          with data loss in it I fancy"  

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