At Fri, 31 May 2002 11:41:46 +0200,
I wrote:
> > > > devfs: devfs_register(): device already registered: "unknown"
> > > 
> > > this is a bug of sound_core.c.  you can fix it by replacing
> > > sound_core.c with the one in alsa-kernel tree.
> > > 
> > 
> > General question. Is the above likely to cause problems if I don't swap
> > them?
> no, it works fine on 2.4 kernel, too.  i'm using it.

err, my statement was not clear --

original sound_core.c is ok as long as if you don't use devfs _and_
multiple cards.  the one in alsa-kernel is fixed for such a
condition.  but, generally, swapping to the fixed one will cause no 
problem.  it's fully compatible.



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