At Thu, 10 Oct 2002 20:12:12 +0200,
Helmut Obertanner wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2002 17:14 schrieben Sie:
> > At Thu, 10 Oct 2002 16:20:31 +0200,
> >
> > Helmut Obertanner wrote:
> > > How can i tell my soundcard to play 1 stereochannel on Frontspeakers
> > > and another stereochannel on rearspeakers ??
> >
> > what sound card?  i cannot tell you otherwise ;)
> >
> I currently have a CMedia 8738(Model37),

oh, you had bad luck.  the rear output of this chip model is _always_
on the loudest level.  it seems like there is no mixer control for
it.  so the incoming stream must be attenuated in advance.

please read alsa-kernel/Documentation/CMIPCI.txt for more details.


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