At Wed, 23 Oct 2002 17:05:53 +0200,
Matthias Saou wrote:
> Hi,
> Seeing how the 0.9.0rc4 release went, I was wondering if the ALSA people
> wouldn't mind re-thinking the release method?
> Apparently, Jaroslav and Takashi are the ones doing most, so this is
> especially targetted to them.
> One suggestion :
> - Would it be possible to release some tarballs, supposedly identical to
> the final ones but a few hours/days before public release and announce?
> This is because :
>   1) Many people (including me) would more easily find time to test these
>      then to test the current CVS tree
>   2) Some problems may show up not in the actual source, but in the way
>      it is packaged (like the automake links)

well, this method would be nice once after 0.9.0-final is out.
then we can release a pre-version tarball for tests before the final
version comes out, as well as the linux kernel releases.

but, unfortuantely, we are in the stage of rc - that is, basically,
each release could be the final one (what an ironical situation...)
so, the test for the rc makes no sense from its definition.

anyway, i myself would love to release 0.9.0 final once if most of
obvious bugs on rc5 are fixed.  but, it's the decision by Jaroslav.

> One question :
> - Would it be possible to have a different versioning scheme? For
> packagers, and I am one, versions like "0.9.0rc4" < "0.9.0" are horrible
> since they mean that some ugly hacking is needed (namely Epoch: tags for
> rpm packages). It would have been so much easier if the versions had been
> 0.8.1, 0.8.2 etc. Especially as nearly everyone uses 0.9.0x anyway, and
> that 0.5.0 is unmaintained...

basically, this comes also from the same reason: simply we're too long
in the rc stage.

yes, it's annyoing.  but the similar situation could happen for the
version numbers such like "1.0.2a" and "1.0beta5".  rpm is not enough
clever to check such a word :)


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