Hm, sounds like the very definition of a hardware issue to me. ;) When I said "hardware issue" I wasn't refering to a bug in the hardware or hardware drivers... more of a "that's how it works and we're stuck with it". :)

One of our other engineers has taken that exact approach. It just seems strange to have to manually ramp down the voltage on the hw by the application manually inserting data into the pcm to do so. If this has to be done w/ some soundcards and not others, why is the application resposible for this and not the driver or the alsa-lib? I just figured it was unique with the fact we pretty much didn't do anything other than a snd_pcm_close() after our last snd_pcm_writei() call and that there were some type of snd_pcm_cleanup_everything() call that we need to make.

- Steve

Apostolos Dimitromanolakis wrote:


This is not a hardware issue. The problem is that the DAC of your card gets stopped in some other level than 0V and when you restart playback the voltage differential causes the pop (because the output of the digital to analog converter is AC-coupled). To perform a clean stop and start make sure that when you start the playback, the first few bytes are zero and when you stop the last few. If they are not, do a gradual change of the samples (say no more that +/- 500 difference over the previous sample). I think the problem is more evident in high end sound-cards which have a flat frequency response down to a few Hz.


Steve deRosier wrote:


We're having a problem with some of our audio applications. When a song starts playing we will often hear a loud pop out of the speakers before it plays audio. It seems dependent upon where we stoped and the specfic content of the last song, if we hit our "stop control" and abort in the middle of the song it may pop uppon restarting or starting a new song.

One of our engrs found if he fills the entire buffer with zeros before quitting the program, on the next start it won't pop (though that moves the pop to the end of the previous due to a disconnect/jump in the created waveform). Unless this is a hardware issue, this doesn't seem to be the right solution to me. So:

* What are things that we can do in our program using the alsa pcm functions to eliminate this? Maybe a specific function we need to call or a particular sequence?
* Or, is this something inherent in hardware and other than filling with zeros before we quit there's nothing we can do?

I figure some of you have encountered this before, so maybe there's some ideas out there?

If you're wondering what we do when a "stop" command comes in: pretty much nothing. Basically my "ALSASender" routine ends and calls:
void CDSP::ClosePCM( void )
// some other bookkeeping goes here <snip>

snd_pcm_close( hPCM );

  if( mPCMStatus )
     snd_pcm_status_free( mPCMStatus );
     mPCMStatus = NULL;

  // Non-alsa related cleanup goes here <snip>

Also, note that we do get the same pops with using aplay.

- Steve

PS Takashi -> I haven't given up on my serial driver patch, I was working on it when I got interupted with something else, it should be on its way soon; thanks for your help.

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