
I tried the same setup with a stock 2.4.22 kernel and CVS and the
problem persists but only in below 48k sampling rates.

arecord -f S32_LE -d ICE1724 -D hw:0,0  -c 2
-r 192000 :  works (?? the card has a maximum 96k sampling rate!)
-r 96000 :  works
-r 48000 : works
-r 44100 : reboot after 2 seconds no data recorded
-r 22050 : same
-r 11025 : same

  I have done some more tests and it seems that adding "--bufer-size
8192" make recording fine. So I guess it is a software bug somewhere in
the ICE1724 driver together with arecord setting some weird
buffer/period size or whatever.  In my sense of a kernel driver,
whatever arecord does, the system shouldn't crash. I've attached the log
from the setup of the recording stream that crashes the system.


Takashi Iwai wrote:

At Sun, 16 Nov 2003 10:53:17 -0500,
Apostolos Dimitromanolakis wrote:

Hi everybody,

I'm still working on the audiotrak prodigy driver. However for some reason the ice1724 module performs an instant reboot of the kernel when I try to record at 44khz. Recording at 96khz seems fine but as soon as you select 44khz on arecord, something odd happens. No data come out and no error messages from the module but the computers reboots after 1-2 seconds. Experiments on the console revealed some kernel error messages (something with the word vm inside :) milliseconds before the reboot but there is
no time to read the messages really. Is this a known problem with the ice1724 (i guess not) or something else is wrong? Note that the hardware access of prodigy to the DAC/ADC works fine and the interrupts should be generated ok. Also the ice1724 configuration is copied directly from the win driver and should be fine. Any ideas?

do you use a preemptive kernel? there was a mutex in spinlock context, and it was fixed recently on cvs. anyway, please try the cvs version if not yet.


Recording WAVE '/dev/null' : Signed 32 bit Little Endian, Rate 44000 Hz, Stereo
Hardware PCM card 0 'Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1' device 0 subdevice 0

Its setup is:
stream       : CAPTURE
access       : RW_INTERLEAVED
format       : S32_LE
subformat    : STD
channels     : 2
rate         : 44100
exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
msbits       : 24
buffer_size  : 22050
period_size  : 5513
period_time  : 125011
tick_time    : 10000
tstamp_mode  : NONE
period_step  : 1
sleep_min    : 0
avail_min    : 5513
xfer_align   : 5513
start_threshold  : 1
stop_threshold   : 22050
silence_threshold: 0
silence_size : 0
boundary     : 1445068800
Aborted by signal Interrupt...

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