While trying to track down the source of some poor timing in 
sequencing, I've noticed that my ALSA sequencer queue timer has a 
tendency to fall suddenly behind.

I have a little test program (available on request) that just starts a 
queue and every second or so compares the queue timer against real 
time as returned by gettimeofday().  It doesn't mind if the two don't 
quite match, but it does complain if the difference between the two 
timers changes dramatically between two sample points.  When I run 
it, it never lasts for more than about a minute before the ALSA queue 
timer suddenly slips by anything from 10 to 60 milliseconds.

This is a non-low-latency kernel so I'm not surprised that there may 
be some occasional timing issues, but 60ms is a lot on an unloaded 
machine, and I am vaguely surprised that the timer doesn't notice 
it's fallen behind and recover -- instead all events on the queue 
continue to be delivered late forever.  This obviously makes for some 
disconcerting audible effects.

The system is SuSE 9.0 on a dual 2GHz Athlon using SuSE's stock SMP 
kernel.  I have tried both ALSA 0.9.6 (from SuSE) and 1.0.0rc2 
drivers and libraries.  I haven't managed to reproduce it using a 
PlanetCCRMA SMP kernel on the same machine, nor on my uniprocessor 
laptop.  I've surveyed a few other people on rosegarden-devel and 
nobody's corroborated my findings, so I guess it might be related to 
using a dual-processor machine.

Any thoughts on this, anyone?  I'm finding it a little depressing that 
I can't play even a minute of 4/4 beats from an ALSA test program 
without the timing slipping audibly at least once.  I'm ready to 
delve cluelessly into the timer code to take a look, but (glancing at 
alsa-kernel/core/timer.c) I'm not at all sure how far I'd get...


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