I've been working through the .asoundrc documentation and have found
several errors.

This is for the "asoundrc" documentation, viewed on Jan 23 '04, using
Mozilla 1.4.1, at the URL:


I am using kernel 2.6.2-rc1 with the alsa-bk-2004-01-20.patch.gz,  and
the 1.0.1 version of alsa-lib, alsa-tools, and alsa-utils.

The hardware I used for these tests is the Intel ICH5 AC97 interface to
a Realtek ALC650 chip on an ABit MAX3 motherboard.

1. The "Aliases" section contains an incorrect example,  missing the
alias name:

For example, this gives your first soundcard an alias: 
        pcm. {
                type hw
                card 0
                device 0
Now you can access this card by the alias ''. 
        aplay -D  test.wav

This should be something like "pcm.my_alias_name {" ...

2. The Plugins section starts with an example of a very simple slave:
        pcm_slave.sltest {

This is incorrect.  It is missing the pcm device after the keyword pcm.

Similarly, the pcm_slave.sl2 rate-conversion example is missing the pcm
device name.

3. The rate conversion plug documentation (or code?) is broken.

I'm not sure if this is a documentation bug or a driver/alsa-lib bug. 

My .asoundrc at this point closely follows the documentation (with
corrections as noted in bug#2) and looks like:

pcm.ac97 {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 0

pcm_slave.sl2 {
        pcm ac97
        rate 44100

pcm.rate_convert {
        type rate
        slave sl2

The documentation says:  
"Now you can call this newly created virtual device by: aplay -D
rate_convert test.wav"

But when I try that, I get this error:

Playing WAVE 'test.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
aplay: set_params:805: Broken configuration for this PCM: no configurations available

Note that "aplay -D ac97 test.wav" works, but plays too fast (at 48000),
and gives the warning "please, try the plug plugin (-Dplug:ac97)". If I
do that, it works perfectly.

So I think the documentation is wrong, or at least incomplete, or rate
conversion does not work.

4.  The "plug" plugin documentation is wrong, or at least

First of all, the "syntax" description for "type plug" is complex and
not explained in this page of documentation at all.  route_policy,
ttable, etc. ???

The documentation goes on to say:

"       We can use it as follows: 
        pcm_slave.sl3 {
                format S16_LE
                channels 1
                rate 16000

        pcm.complex_convert {
                type plug
                slave sl3

        By calling it with: 
        aplay -vD complex_convert test.wav

        You will convert the sample during playing to the sample format:
        S16_LE, one channel and a sample rate of 16 kHz. As you called
        aplay with the verbose option -v you see this options as it
        appears as it comes from the original file"

First, the pcm name for the slave is missing, as in bug #2.

I copied and pasted this example directly into my .asoundrc, and then
filled in "ac97" for the missing pcm name.  Here are the results of
testing it:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] thoffman]$ aplay -vD complex_convert test.wav
Playing WAVE 'test.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
ALSA lib pcm_params.c:2096:(snd_pcm_hw_refine_slave) Slave PCM not usable
aplay: set_params:805: Broken configuration for this PCM: no configurations available

I experimented by changing the slave channels to 2 and the rate to 44100
in .asoundrc, and got exactly the same error message.

Changing the slave rate to 48000 resulted in playback, but too fast of

5. dmix documentation

Following the documentation example for how to use dmix, I wrote this

pcm.ac97 {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 0

pcm.dmixer  {
        type dmix
        ipc_key 1024
        slave {
                pcm "ac97"
                period_time 0   
                period_size 1024
                buffer_size 4096
                rate 44100
        bindings {
                0 0
                1 1
ctl.dmixer {
        type hw
        card 0

pcm.!default {
        type plug
        slave.pcm "dmixer"

When I tried "aplay -f cd -Dplug:default test.wav" as the documentation
suggests, I got no error message but no sound either.

When I tried "aplay -f cd -D default test.wav" instead, it worked, and I
was able to start multiple instances, which were mixed together as

So, I think the documentation is incorrect in suggesting that the "plug"
device be used from the command line.


Torrey Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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