On Sun, 23 Dec 2018 08:03:42 -0800, chris hermansen wrote:
>Actually it appears that it is possible to distinguish high resolution

Some people that have done similar tests, claim that artificial
strawberry flavour does taste more natural, than a strawberry. It was
my job to build professional studio gear, among others jobs I was
engineer for a famous German microphone company. I seriously wonder
what microphone was used to do any analog or digital recording in the
first place, that provides a signal, that could benefit from something
higher for playback than 48 KHz/16 bit. I'm not interested in reading
any paper, I like to get the recordings that prove to make a difference!
I doubt that some wobbling virtual synth beats the audio quality of
professional recorded music. Do the strawberry yogurt test first,
before you ask people to listen to music.

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