I have a pair of bluetooth headphones so I ended up installing
bluealsa.  From Raspbian debs but it's at

I made up this asoundrc file, which works

pcm.buds {  # works
  type plug
  slave {
    pcm {
      type bluealsa
      device FE:46:6D:40:FC:43 # mac from bluetoothctl
      profile "a2dp" # defined by bluealsa
  hint { # not essential
    show on
    description "BT earbuds"

I can play wave files like: aplay -D buds brown.wav  The catch is I
want to use them with Audacity, and probably other things.  So it
would be simplest if I could set bluealsa as the default audio out
device and change it back when I'm done.

Except the directions at
expect you to set it to a card number.  Audacity checks asoundrc when
starting up and gives this error if I have either bluealsa or buds in
there.  Comment it out and I'm back to HDMI sound, all is fine.

bluealsa doesn't emulate a card apparently, it's not in cat
/proc/asound/cards  Reading the asoundrc literally it's a pcm type.
Audacity's list has just upmix, vdownmix, dmix for devices.  I can
edit audacity.cfg and put buds in as PlaybackDevice but it plays a
half-hour recording i 26 seconds.  I do hear it in the earbuds, the
sample rate is just running flat-out or something.   If I set
PlaybackDevice to bluealsa it plays through the HDMI sound.
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