
   When recording via arecord I frequently see:

xrun!!! (at least 12.096 ms long)

   The command line I'm using is:

arecord -D hw:1 -c 12 -r 96000 -f S32_LE -t raw | conv > out.raw

   "conv" is a program I wrote that strips out the all but the first
two channels, since I couldn't figure out any way to do such a thing
with arecord or ALSA by itself.

   Picking through the source code I found a comment in asoundlib.h
that describes this state as an "overrun", my guess is that there
is too much sound data and it's overloading the PCI bus or something.

   Anyone know what this is, and/or how I can deal with it?  Or
if it's even a serious problem?


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