
I hope you know why this happens to me ;-) I'll tell you what...:
Pentium III 800Mhz, VIA Apollo Pro133Z Chipset on ASUS CUV4X motherboard
without integrated sound support, SBLive! Platinum, SuSE 7.1 Pro, ok?
Well, at first I used ALSA to configure my sound card, but the problem
was that I didn't have control over the device. For example, I could
play MP3 but I couldn't control the master volume, and I couldn't
control none of the other controls in the mixer. Moreover, the CD didn't
sound at all (the audio cable is plugged, SURE) The thing is that, with
ALSA, the mixer appears to be "SigmaTel STAC9708/11" and I think that's
not the correct mixer.
Fed up of trying, I decided to download the lates Opensource drivers. I
installed them and OK!! a new tab appeared on the mixer, and GMix showed
the correct mixer which was "Creative SBLive!" instead of "SigmaTel..."
Up from here, everything ok... but here came my surprise...only MASTER
volume control worked, and therefore I wasn't able to configure the
mixer in order to use the CD ot TV(kwinTV). The only thing I can do is
to hear MP3!!!
So finally, I downloaded ALSA .0.5.10 and tried...but nothing, I have
SigmaTel as my mixer again....and it doesn't work!!! I'm reading about
loads of people having SBLive! with Linux and no one has this kind of
problem at this point... I mean at least they can use the mixer for
CD,TV,MP3, and so on....
At this poin, I'm thinking about some kind of problems with chipset on
motherboard. This motherboard is supposed to have integrated sound.
Well, I can tell you that not this one. I bought it WITHOUT sound
support. Furthermore, I truned off from BIOS just BEFORE installing
SuSE, so it shouldn't be the problem. Probably LINUX is detecting this
chipset as "with integrated sound"....I don't know, but I'm sure some
one out there knows the reason of this problem....So here I am without
an operative mixer.... ;-(((

Can you help me? What am I doing wrong???

Thanks for reading my message...

Up the TUX's!

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