
Triggered by the discussion about missing documentation on ALSA 0.9.0 on
linux-audio-dev, I have written a small howto. I packaged this into a
tarball which contains also some examples.
While receiving and processing of MIDI events is already sufficiently
covered by this howto, it does not yet treat MIDI scheduling on
ALSA sequencer queues. This will be added soon.


1. Introduction
2. Basic PCM audio
3. PCM capture
4. Writing a sequencer client
5. A MIDI router
6. Combining PCM and MIDI: miniFMsynth
7. Notes on writing a GUI based audio application


Any feedback (suggestions, corrections, etc.) is welcome.

BTW There are also several QT applications (they do no longer require KDE)
for ALSA 0.9.0 available from http://www.suse.de/~mana/kalsatools.html

Especially the kaconnect utility might be interesting in conjunction with
the ALSA MIDI sequencer. The makefiles have to be adapted to your location
of QT.

Have fun !


Dr. Matthias Nagorni
Deutschherrnstr. 15-19    phone: +49 911 74053375
D - 90429 Nuernberg       fax  : +49 911 74053483

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