For midi output I've been using timidity running in alsa server mode which 
sounds great but seems to suck enough cpu to make midi recording spotty. 
What I'd like to do is use the card's opl3 capability which to the best of 
my knowledge it has (correct me if I'm wrong, please). 

Following the instructions on the pmidi page 
(, I see:

# sbiload -l
 Port     Client name                       Port name
 64:0     External MIDI 0                   MIDI 0-0
 65:0     OPL3 FM synth                     OPL3 Port
 72:0     Virtual Raw MIDI 1-0              VirMIDI 1-0
 73:0     Virtual Raw MIDI 1-1              VirMIDI 1-1
 74:0     Virtual Raw MIDI 1-2              VirMIDI 1-2
 75:0     Virtual Raw MIDI 1-3              VirMIDI 1-3
128:0     Client-128                        TiMidity port 0
128:1     Client-128                        TiMidity port 1
129:0     MusE Sequencer                    MusE Port 0
131:0     iiwu                              iiwu-1

Then I dutifully run:

# sbiload -p65:0 --opl3 std.o3 drums.o3

where std.o3 and drums.o3 are in the current directory. When I:

pmidi -p65:0 some-midi-file.mid

I get no sound.

Any clues?


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