Ryan Shaw wrote:

 > I appreciate you contributing your system information. Since you and
 > the other people who have working SMP systems are using RedHat, it
 > would seem that the crucial difference is RedHat's ac kernel vs.
 > Debian's stock kernel. (It is not the Debian source package, since I
 > also had lockups with the ALSA CVS sources.)
what about the kernel sources? are you using a stock kernel or did you
compile one yourself?

I am not using Redhat's kernel but the kernel.org sources, and I make
sure that I have a link  /usr/src/linux which points to the exact kernel
sources which I want to compile the modules for.

When building kernel modules it is essential, that the correct sources
are in place, otherwise the module doesn't know what it is linking to
and you may get random freezes crashes etc.  Because the module was
built improperly.

This is why having packages for kernel modules is a dangerous kludge,
they probably only work with the debian stock kernel they were compiled
against not the smp one.  With the modules in the 2.5 un-stable kernel
getting alsa working will be much easier.

Now you are right I am forced to make a number of hypotheses based on
limited information, and may jump to the wrong conclusion, but that is
how one gets to the bottom of a problem.

But if you built your own kernel and compiled the alsa sources against
this kernel, there is no reason why the driver would not work just as it
does on my machine, unless you have a hardware conflict or something
which you be interesting to debug.  There is no reason for the
developers to waste valueable time on possible user errors instead of
fixing real bugs, for which they need to know that the user has done a
ceratin number of things, such as build the modules properly.  You are
convinced that there is a bug, others probably think there is a problem
with the way you are building the modules.

sorry if I am being long winded and annoying about this,


 >> I would like to add that I am quite angry with the tone of these
 >> posts. Your problems,caught the attention of both Jaroslav Kysela,
 >> and Takashi Iwai who as far as I know are two of the main
 >> developers of alsa *in_less_than_a_day_*.  When's the last time
 >> that ever happend to you with any product you bought?
 > You are jumping to conclusions. I was very glad to hear from
 > Jaroslav and Takashi, and very surprised as well, as in mid-February
 > there were two long threads about this *exact same problem*, and no
 > developers posted at all.
 > When Andrew posted this problem again, I suggested that he wait, since
 > as far as I knew from monitoring my bug report and the list since
 > February, nothing had changed since then.
 >> If you are not even willing to compile the stuff in the first
 >> place, or hunt out the documentation you might need for your
 >> particular setup, why do you expect the developers to make patches
 >> for you?
 > Did I ever suggest anything of this sort? I have compiled ALSA from
 > CVS sources countless times. I never once had a problem installing
 > it. When I tried to *use* it, I found a serious bug, and tried to
 > bring it to the developers' attention, and was ignored.
 > Ryan


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