I have finally installed the alsa-driver-0.5.12a on my Red Hat 7.2 linux box
with the Crystal Semiconductor CS4236 sound card. IT works great but my
/etc/modules.conf gets overwritten by Linux upon each reboot and it adds in
a cs4232 driver.

Recap: I get my 1)  /etc/modules.conf configured correctly  2) make my sym
link in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d to load alsasound upon reboot and 3) I can even load
the driver with modeprobe snd-card-cs4236 option option etc.... 4) the
/proc/asound lists my card 4236 saying it is installed fine.... but upon
reboot I loose it all and find that something has altered my
/etc/modules.conf file and put the Old cs4232 driver back in.

Any thoughts?
This almost completes getting sonund working in 15 Linux boxes in a
Corporate Win 2000 enviroment!



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