On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Alexis Huxley wrote:

> Hi, 
> I've got a MIDI keyboard and an SB PCI64 that I really miss using
> now I've ditched MS from my disk. I'd like to keep MS off my disk,
> but after several *months* of frustrating and searching the web and
> posting to NGs I still don't have it working. So here I am, with
> rather a long post; hopefully it has all the info some kind souls out
> there need to assist me ...

Alexis, you shouldn't need virmidi to do this. All you need to do is run 
timidity in alsa sequencer server mode, then connect your midi in port to 
the timidity port. You can use aconnect to do this, but I've found that 
Bob Ham's alsa-patch-bay makes this much easier for me.

You need to run timidity in server mode, I use:
timidity -iA -B2,8 -Os -EFreverb=0&
You'll need TiMidity++-2.12.0-pre1 built with alsa server enabled for this 
to work.

Then launch alsa-patch-bay. You'll see on the left External MIDI 0::MIDI 
0-0. On the right side you should see 2 timidity ports. Connect the 
External MIDI port on the left to one of the timidity ports. You should 
then be able to play piano.

If you use aconnect type aconnect -li to see the available inputs. The
External MIDI port will be something like 64:0. aconnect -lo will show you
the output ports and your timidity ports should be 128:0 and 129:0. To
connect them use aconnect 64:0 128:0.

To change programs, I have a utility that Frank Barknecht wrote, but it 
requires PD to be installed. Or, you can install muse and change programs 
through it (as well as have a nice midi sequencer).

Hope this helps.



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