I am currently using 0.9.0beta12 but am totally unable to get a
recording from the S/PDIF input (from a DAT recorded at 44.1KHz).  If
I use
arecord -f cd -t wav -d 10 xxx.wav
then I get 10 seconds of silence.  Yes I have unmuted the S/PDIF
inputs, and I can play back to the analog outputs.

If I try to us a 'Device' (for which i have never managed to find any
readable documentation) I get
arecord -f cd -t wav -d 10 -D iec958 xxx.wav
Recording WAVE 'xxx.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
arecord: set_params:739: Sample format non available

(btw, should that read "Not available").  I guess this means that the
device is an output rather than input device, but I do not know.

I have asked this many times now, but i am still having to reboot to
Windoze just to read the DAT tapes and that is a pain,

I do not have a .asoundrc; this is straight out of the box.

==John ffitch

cage:~> arecord -l
card 0: card0 [M Audio Delta DiO 2496], device 0: ICE1712 multi [ICE1712 multi]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
cage:~> arecord -L
PCM list:
hw {
        @args.0 CARD
        @args.1 DEV
        @args.2 SUBDEV
        @args.CARD {
                type string
                default {
                        @func getenv
                        vars {
                                0 ALSA_PCM_CARD
                                1 ALSA_CARD
                        default {
                                @func refer
                                name 'defaults.pcm.card'
        @args.DEV {
                type integer
                default {
                        @func igetenv
                        vars {
                                0 ALSA_PCM_DEVICE
                        default {
                                @func refer
                                name 'defaults.pcm.device'
        @args.SUBDEV {
                type integer
                default {
                        @func refer
                        name 'defaults.pcm.subdevice'
        type hw
        card $CARD
        device $DEV
        subdevice $SUBDEV
plughw {
        @args.0 CARD
        @args.1 DEV
        @args.2 SUBDEV
        @args.CARD {
                type string
                default {
                        @func getenv
                        vars {
                                0 ALSA_PCM_CARD
                                1 ALSA_CARD
                        default {
                                @func refer
                                name 'defaults.pcm.card'
        @args.DEV {
                type integer
                default {
                        @func igetenv
                        vars {
                                0 ALSA_PCM_DEVICE
                        default {
                                @func refer
                                name 'defaults.pcm.device'
        @args.SUBDEV {
                type integer
                default {
                        @func refer
                        name 'defaults.pcm.subdevice'
        type plug
        slave.pcm {
                type hw
                card $CARD
                device $DEV
                subdevice $SUBDEV
plug {
        @args.0 SLAVE
        @args.SLAVE {
                type string
        type plug
        slave.pcm $SLAVE
shm {
        @args.0 SOCKET
        @args.1 PCM
        @args.SOCKET {
                type string
        @args.PCM {
                type string
        type shm
        server $SOCKET
        pcm $PCM
tee {
        @args.0 SLAVE
        @args.1 FILE
        @args.2 FORMAT
        @args.SLAVE {
                type string
        @args.FILE {
                type string
        @args.FORMAT {
                type string
                default raw
        type file
        slave.pcm $SLAVE
        file $FILE
        format $FORMAT
file {
        @args.0 FILE
        @args.1 FORMAT
        @args.FILE {
                type string
        @args.FORMAT {
                type string
                default raw
        type file
        slave.pcm null
        file $FILE
        format $FORMAT
null {
        type null
default {
        type plug
        slave.pcm {
                type hw
                card {
                        @func getenv
                        vars {
                                0 ALSA_PCM_CARD
                                1 ALSA_CARD
                        default {
                                @func refer
                                name 'defaults.pcm.card'
                device {
                        @func igetenv
                        vars {
                                0 ALSA_PCM_DEVICE
                        default {
                                @func refer
                                name 'defaults.pcm.device'
                subdevice {
                        @func refer
                        name 'defaults.pcm.subdevice'

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