I was trying to set up a script that would record from Line whenver
invoked, but I didn't want the recording to disturb the current
playback setting.  i.e. I'd like to be able to listen to one thing on
PCM while recording something else on Line.

Is that possible?  My initial attempts suggest that capture won't stay
on unless playback is also turned on, but is there a way around that,
or is this just an expected limitation?

  $ amixer sset Line cap
  Simple mixer control 'Line',0
    Capabilities: volume pswitch cswitch
    Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right 
    Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right 
    Limits: 0 - 31
    Front Left: 24 [77%] Playback [off] Capture [on] 
    Front Right: 24 [77%] Playback [off] Capture [on] 

  $ amixer get Line
  Simple mixer control 'Line',0
    Capabilities: volume pswitch cswitch
    Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right 
    Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right 
    Limits: 0 - 31
    Front Left: 24 [77%] Playback [off] Capture [off] 
    Front Right: 24 [77%] Playback [off] Capture [off] 

If there's documentation somewhere I should read, just point me at it,
but I hadn't found anything so far :>


Rob Browning
rlb @defaultvalue.org, @linuxdevel.com, and @debian.org
Previously @cs.utexas.edu
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