Yesterday I built and installed the 0.9.0rc5-fr1 release of alsa (kernel,
driver, utils, lib/lib-devel) and rebuild alsaplayer, alsa-xmms,
gnome-alsamixer, etc.)  The whole thing went through with minimum pain.  I had a
problem at first: I had forotten a *very* old version of gcc which I had tucked
away for experimentation (cross compiler) a long time ago and forgotten to
remove.  At first the configure script picked up *that* compiler
(/usr/gnu/bin/...) instead of the compilers in /usr/bin.  But I discovered that,
removed the older stuff from the system, and redid the build: no problems after
that (oddly enough nothing changed since I build rc3-fr3, and they never noticed
the other compiler... wierd).

Anyway after doing the install and rebooting, everything seems to work EXCEPT:
all cd's play in mono.  I am using RedHat with kernel-2.4.18-17.8.0 and my
soundcard is a SoundBlaster Live!.

The first item is farily minor: I have a DVD driver (CD) and a cdrom burner
(AUX) on this system, devices /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1, respectively.  The tone
controls do not appear to work when playing a CD in either drive (with or
without tone controls enabled).  Is this expected or do I need to do some
digging into the code?

The second is a bit odd.  On anything but a CD, using ANY mixer (alsamixer,
gnome-alsamixer, xmmix, kmix, at least) IF I turn the Bass control to full
volume, ALL sound is muted.  This also occurred with the previous kernel and
associated builds (kernel was 2.4.18_14 I think, whatever the 8.0 Redhat
distribution kernel was).  Is this peculiar to the SB Live! or is it a known
problem in general?

Finally, Alsamixer's control for AC97 appears to control the mic and nothing
else: the "Mic" control does nothing that I can figure out.  Again, is this a
peculiarity of the SBLive! or is it another known issue?

None of these are serious show-stoppers for me, but I was wondering if there are
are problems here which I should be looking into... Everything else seems to be
working correctly (and thanks to the developers!).

Bill Austin

William W. Austin                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       "Life is just a phase I'm going through... this time, anyway..."

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