Hello list

I'v got a problem

I'm using a asus mainboard with a via 8235 southbrige and sound onboard.
So I compiled all the rc5 sources, this worked fine. now Im want to get the soundcard 
to work as well. I tried the via-82xx module. It's no problem to start it, and to run 
it, the alsamixer works perfekt.
The only problem is that if I trie to play a wavefil (or any other soundformat) I 
can't hear any sound at all, or the first 30ms repeated for about 30 times.
For example the command aplay test.wav ends up in reapeating the first 30 ms
while this line is on the screen:

Playin WAVE: Singed 16bit, Little Endian, Rate 44100Hz

and then the sound stops and aplay abords with the following messag:

aplay: pcm_write:999:write error: Input/output error!

I don't know what causes this problem, is there anybody who can help me?

thanks in andvance

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