Did anyone see any problems with 0.9.0rc3 on Red Hat 8.0?

I have a problem that seems to be very difficult to debug. In a
nutshell, some video files play just fine on a PIII/600 running Red Hat
7.2 and ALSA, but i have problems playing them on an AthlonXP/1800
running Red Hat 8.0
The players that i use are Xine and Mplayer.
The files are in DivX format.
I didn't noticed any problems with my Athlon when running Red Hat 7.3,
only after upgrade.
The problem is: when playing the file, the image is "jumpy", the players
skip quite a few frames regularly and report discarded frames on the
command line. If i use the OSS output in the players (over the emulation
layer in ALSA, of course) the situation improves a bit in some players,
but not always.

I'm not necessarily saying the problem is in the ALSA driver, i'm just
asking if it rings a bell somewhere. :-)

Florin Andrei


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