So I got my rme9652 withasla 0.9.0rc7 running. Got Jack on top of that. Can 
route around sound with qjackconnect and can see there is activity with 

May I conclude that my setup is OK?


I tried alsaplayer with some ripped cd tracks (used cdparanoia). It always 
says the files are 0bit and zips through them in record speed, sounding like 
a chirp on the speakers. When I try audacity, the same files play fine. 
Ecasound hangs the system with only the reset button helping. Muse works as 
long as you stay out of wave edit mode.


Not a single application works. Audacity records, but cannot open the saved 
wav files. Muse chrashes whenever you hit the record button. Ecasound 
produces nothing but error messages.

Does anybody has knowledge of an application that works natively with alsa 
and/or jack? Most of the applications on the alsa page use the oss emulation. 
Something that does not need a degree in programming science, that you can 
install simply (unlike ardour: I don't understand half of what is on the page 
where they tell you how to install it) and where you can just select the 
input you need, bit depth and sample rate and hit record. Where you have a 
running chance of having something on your disk afterwards.

Thanks in advance.

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