Title: RFC: Recording and Playback Ratings


recently I had a need to record audio, USB radio, on the linux platform
so I can timeshift radio.  Anyway, long story short is that I finally got
the CMIPCI to work but it's pretty awful at recording.  Playback is decent
but they either got something horribly wrong on the capture side or the
driver needs some magic register values.

So on the sound card matrix list I noticed we don't have a column on wether
the card/chipset is good for recording or playback ?  Is there some way
we could have a column added for wether a card is good for recording ?
Or perhaps a list of recommended cards for use in recording under
Alsa.  It's actually quite difficult to figure this out from the docs
on the web site.  And anecdotal searching of google just points to
old stuff.

Anyway, first review of cmipci for recording is "poor (1/5)". Playback in
stereo seems "adequate (3/5).  I'm going to try a cs42xx based card tonight and
see if that's any better, and I probably have a es1370 based card lying around
somewhere.  This is all under alsa 0.91.

Actually I would be willing to collect this information and post it somewhere
if people think it's useful.  Would adding it to the wiki be a good place to
put it ?  Send me your thoughts about the various cards and which version of
the alsa driver you are using and I'll summarize it here.


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