On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 17:29, Dr. Daniel James White PhD wrote:
> Hi Tinus,
> I still have no sound from my  via8233a with the   via82xx driver alsaw 
> 0.9.3c with RedHat8.0. Alsa compiled and installed as per instructions 
> page linked from alsa soundcard matrix for via82xx
> what do you mean by
> > Check that your vsx stuff
> > is all up fully and enabled.
> what is vsx?
That was my mistake. I meant the VIA DXS controls.

> also my lsmod output is different to yours, regarding sound modules. I 
> have no snd-seq-oss   or snd-seq-midi-event , and you have no 
> soundcore. I wonder if this is significant:
As far as i now, and i may be mistaken, the soundcore comes from the
kernels sound drivers, which mostly uses OSS, not alsa. This could maybe
have an effect. The sequencer is no worries. I only added that at
compile time for possible use for midi in the future, but did not have
it in previous installations. No need really anymore for midi since the
dawn of mp3 or rather ogg. 

I would advise trying one of the following. Play a song through XMMS
ALSA ouput plugin, then change the output device to /dev/adsp which
seemed to have solved many peoples problems.


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