They are not cooperating.  Period.  I have spent _hours_ trying to get
alsarecord to work, and all I get is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ arecord -D hw:0,0 test.wav
Recording WAVE 'test.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
arecord: set_params:805: Sample format non available

I have tried every sample rate conceivable, to no avail.  For some
reason, the above command worked ONCE, but I have not been able to
recreate that success.  Does anybody have an ice1712 based card that
they've been able to use with alsarecord?

You can only run configure at the top level of the Ardour source tree. 
You don't want to know why this is true.  Don't try to work around it.

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