Hello.  I hope this is not a FAQ -- I haven't been able to find an
answer Googling and looking around alsa-project.org, but maybe I
missed something...

I just installed a Delta (M-Audio) Audiophile 2496 card into my Debian
GNU/Linux box, and am having trouble getting it working.  My ultimate
goal is to do digital transfers from a DAT player to my hard drive,
using S/PIDF protocol over an RCA cable.  But first I'm just trying to
get the card to play sounds.  I figure if I can get output working,
input will probably work too :-).

I haven't gotten as far as playing a sound yet.  The card does seem to
be recognized under both my usual kernel, 2.5.7, and under a freshly
compiled 2.6.0-test1.  Here's what 2.5.7's 'dmesg' says:

   Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 0.9.0beta12 \
   (Mon Mar 18 15:44:40 2002 UTC).
   kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k snd-card-0, errno = 2
   ALSA device list:
     #0: M Audio Audiophile 24/96 at 0x9400, irq 22
   Linux Kernel Card Services 3.1.22
     options:  [pci] [cardbus] [pm]

The dmesg of 2.6.0 gives similar message, too, just the ALSA version
is higher -- 0.9.4 instead of 0.9.0beta12.

(By the way, I compiled in ALSA directly, not as a module, so I'm not
sure whether or not to worry about that 'kmod' error.  I usually don't
compile things as modules, but I can do so if there's some reason why
ALSA still needs to be a module in 2.5.7 and 2.6.0.)

Anyway, I'm unable to find the right /dev device for the card.  FAQs
for example) indicate that


should be my card.  But here's what happened when I tried to cat a WAV
file at /dev/snd/pcmC0D0 under a 2.6.0 kernel:

   $ cat ryabina.wav > /dev/snd/pcmC0D0
   [... hear nothing, begin to get suspicious ...]
   $ ls -l /dev/snd/pcmC0D0
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     root     27283244 Jul 21 19:07 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0

   [ Hey, that doesn't look right! ]

   $ ls -l ryabina.wav
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     root     27283244 Jun 12 18:14 ryabina.wav

   [ Yup, the device file is now a regular file, with the contents of
     the WAV in it :-) ]

I didn't check the device's existence *before* I catted the file, so I
don't know if I actually created it when I put that data into it.

Next I rebooted the machine (again into 2.6.0); the device file was
still present and 27283244 bytes large.

I tried catting the WAV file to a different device, /dev/snd/pcmC0D1
(which did already exist), with the same results.

I tried it with various other pcm* devices in that directory; this
time they remained 0 bytes -- but still no sounds came out.

Then I rebooted back into 2.5.7, and the devices went back to 0 bytes!
But their ownership and modes were still different from the other
devices in there:

   -rw-r--r--   1 root    root           0 Jul 21 19:07 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0
   crw-rw----   1 root    audio   116,  24 Jul 21 18:30 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c
   crw-rw----   1 root    audio   116,  16 Jul 21 18:30 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
   -rw-r--r--   1 root    root           0 Jul 21 19:07 /dev/snd/pcmC0D1
   crw-rw----   1 root    audio   116,  25 Jul 21 18:30 /dev/snd/pcmC0D1c
   crw-rw----   1 root    audio   116,  17 Jul 21 18:30 /dev/snd/pcmC0D1p
   crw-rw----   1 root    audio   116,  26 Jul 21 18:30 /dev/snd/pcmC0D2c

Just for kicks, I catted the .wav file into pcmC0D0 again, under 2.5.7
now.  The device file took the size of the .wav file again.

I'm fairly ignorant of the voodoo that creates device files -- in fact
(I'm belatedly ashamed to admit) I don't even know whether they get
recreated every time the kernel boots, or if they're somehow "really
there" in the filesystem, as directory entries or inodes with special
meta bits.

Any ideas or advice here?  Did I just miss a step and I need to run
'mknod' or something to create the device?  What would the parameters

Thanks in advance for any help,
-Karl Fogel                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

P.S. My machine had a built-in sound card, that I'd been using with no
problems before I bought the Audiophile 2496.  I had sound working
fine under 2.5.7 with the machine's built-in card.  (I disabled that
card in the BIOS, at some point during my experiments with the new
card.)  Just pointing this out so it's clear my machine is physically
capable of producing sounds :-).

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