> This is a heartfelt request for anyone who has
> successfully used Alsa 0.9.6 w/ an M-Audio Audiophile
> card under either kernel 2.4.21 or 2.6.0-test*, built
> as modules.

I have Audiophile 2496 working with 2.4.20 & 2.6.0-test4, Alsa 0.9.6
I can help you, but right now I'm little busy with my new-born girl and my
Audiophile card is in recording studio and not currently in my linux box.
I have Debian, but the Debian modules of alsa have been "out of date" for
a long time, so I have built them myself. Sometimes had some dependency
errors, but after clean install of new kernel (with possible
low-latency-patches) they have built ok.

> /etc/modules.conf, .asoundrc, and any scripts to load
> whatever config files need to be loaded, plus some
> indication of how to use envy24control/arecord
> successfully w/ the card.

I can send you some, but privately. I don't want to stress the list.

> I have seen several people like myself ask questions
> about this on the list and get NO REPLY, even w/
> detailed config info and error messages. The wiki
> hasn't been very helpful, and I've managed to
> eliminate a couple of my errors through doggedly
> browsing the source ("oh, I can't play regular 16bit
> WAV files because the card only supports S32LE sample
> rate in alsa-kernel/pci/ice1712.c ..."). Now w/
> 'arecord -D hw:1,0 ..." I get "can't get channel
> count" even if I pass in a number of channels w/ -c.

Sad. Maybe you need to be more patient with the answers. But I understand
your anxiety for rapid answers. I have been in your situation..

Try with -D plughw:1,0

> specifically to do digital audio recording, and after
> 2 months I'm not any closer to this goal.

I've used two M-Audio cards successfully in audio recording; 1010LT and
Audiophile 2496. Experienced some driver issues though, but haven't had
the time to dig in to the problem. I had to do a script that reseted the
alsa-drivers every time I recorded something, just to make sure that the
recording would work every time. (It had some freezing issues, used
ecasound but I think it was more likely alsa drivers problem and that I
synced the sample clocks through spdif)

> If someone could take the time to thouroughly explain
> this stuff to me I'd be HAPPY to write a set of
> incredibly user-friendly and COMPREHENSIVE end-user
> documentation.

I'm not promising fast answers, but answers and help. I have limited free
time, but I'm willing to spend some of it to help you. And I preciate if
you really make the _comprehensive_ and _user-friendly_ doc. Alsa really
needs them.

Tommi Uimonen

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