On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 01:59, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Florin Andrei hat gesagt: // Florin Andrei wrote:
> > I'd like to add a MIDI input and output to my laptop, so that i can
> > connect a hardware synthesizer to a software sequencer. The sequencer
> > must run with JACK and ALSA.

First, let me thank everyone for the replys. Very helpful.

> You could use an USB midi adapter like the UM-1/2 by Edirol or similar
> boxes by M-Audio, but are you sure you can live with the audio quality
> of your built-in audio interface for a longer period? Most laptop
> interfaces have a horrible and poor sound quality.

I thought of that. Here's the deal:

I have a stationary PC that's tailored for all kinds of multimedia
stuff, including having a good-quality analog+MIDI sound device. I
normally use that to capture sound from my hardsynth (plus drive all
sorts of MIDI stuff).

The laptop OTOH... What i'd like to be able first and foremost, is to
take my laptop and my hardsynth (Alesis QS6.2, a neat slim hard-sampler,
so it's not humongously big and heavy, i can go places with it pretty
easily) someplace else than my bedroom, where they currently reside. I
sometimes get bored of playing in the same place, and boredom does not
get along too well with music. :-)
If i could just use a sequencer on the laptop, that would be fine. I'm
not planning to actually do analog + MIDI on the laptop, not in the near
future anyway. I just want to be able to draw "musical sketches" with my
sequencer, just MIDI, while i'm away.

> Personally I would
> consider buying a combined USB-audio/midi box like the Edirol UA-20 or
> the M-Audio Quattro.

Thanks for the tip. If the price is reasonable enough (not a whole lot
more expensive than plain MIDI) i may just buy it.
OTOH, the laptop is a crappy old PII, so i'm kinda hesitant to put too
fancy hardware on it.

Anyway, now i have enough info to make a decision.
Thanks everyone!

Florin Andrei


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