
[let's keep this on the list, maybe someone else can help, too.]

Black Eagle hat gesagt: // Black Eagle wrote:

> > Did you turn up the volume with alsamixer?
> Yes, I did, but only the first one
> wich other should I turn up ?

I don't know the mixer of your chip (many cards have different ones,
some have none at all), but I would try to crank 'em all up, so to
say. Also make sure you unmute them (press "m"). If this doesn't help,
then some more info would be needed. Also try it with aplay, not xmms,
to see if ALSA works, if you use the ALSA devices, not its OSS

Then the output of 
 lsmod | grep snd

would be interesting and also the one of
 cat /proc/asound/cards

and maybe
 cat /proc/asound/card0/*
 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__

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